A Morning in Grey Box Forest

Long time readers will no doubt recall that I often claim to have Grey Box sap running in my veins.

These amazing old trees are the superstructure for the type of forest and forest birds that I really enjoy working with. And as Woodlands Historic Park has such an untouched stand of Grey Box, its not hard to see why I love it as I practically learned my forest birds craft out there.

Another find stand of Grey Box is at Eynesbury near Melton.

Every second month the local Eynesbury Environmental Group, here’s their facebook page, conducts a morning walk in the forest for interested locals and visitors.
Chris Lunardi does a super job of getting us out in to the forest to look at some of the lesser visited areas and to find interesting birds.

Chris also seems to have an amazing ability to chose days where the weather is kind. And this past Sunday was no exception.

Probably the highlights of the day were a pair of very vocal Peregrine Falcon, and several sightings of  Diamond Firetails.
Diamond Firetails often are found around the lawns and golf greens in good numbers, and occasionally a few birds through the bush.  We managed to find them in 4 locations throughout the day.

Here’s a visual summary.

Brown Treecreeper
Tree Martin hard at work collecting mud
Superb Fairywren defending his terrritory
Peregrine Falcon
A Good News story. Maned Duck family out for a stroll.
Sulpher-crested Cockatoo.
Always a favourite at Eynesbury. Jacky WInter.
Summer visitors are strarting to arrive.
Dusky Woodswallow
Signature Bird: Diamond Firetail.



8 thoughts on “A Morning in Grey Box Forest

  1. A wonderful day at Eynesbury. Wonderful to see the Firetails and the Peregrine at speed!
    One of these days I will get to one of the Eynesbury walks. I have them listed in the diary but haven’t yet had a coinciding free day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Eleanor, for me the Peregrine is a much more significant shot from the day, as the Firetails are pretty much resident, (just hard to find!), we wondered if the pair of Falcons were going to nest down in the Werribee River cliffs, it would only be a 2 wing flap for your average Peregrine.

      Plenty of evidence of their activities on the ground along the tracks


  2. Beautiful selection of birds David in the Grey Box forest, especially great to see the Diamond Firetails. Your photos are really great for us birders as your detail adds clarity enhancing so much more of the bird’s beauty.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Ashley. It is a wonderful forest, and i get such a spiritual renewal just walking through the grand Grey Box. I like the forsest as it is quite open and seems to favour a number of smaller bush birds.


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