Along the Track: A Day in Grey

We joined the Eynesbury Environmental Group for a walk in the local Grey Box Forest as part of the ongoing Swift Parrot Surveys.
Swifties are highly mobile, nomandic and unpredictable in location. And today was quite a successful Survey day, as we conclusively proved they were Not in the area. 🙂

But a day in Grey is not be be missed and Chris L, put on another of his now famous, “Sunshine” days.
Here’s a selection from the walk.


Maned Duck, commonly know as Wood ducks, presumably because of their tree dwelling habits
Tree Martins. Recently returned and no doubt hard at work at selecting the best real estate for their nesting operations. Soon there will be hundreds of them through the forest
Little Eagle, no trip is complete without at least one sighting of the resident Little Eagles. This one circled over us in the open
Red-rumped Parrot, a male who is busy, I suspect waiting, waiting waiting, for his mate that would be on a nest somewhere in a branch nearby. He keeps in contact with her with lots of cheery calls and wing displays.
The Eynesbury Box Forest Signature bird. We found several Diamond Firetails working through the native grasses collecting seed. Their numbers seem somewhat unpredictable, but it’s good to catch up with them on a day out.
If I had a signature bird, it would be Jacky. There is something about these little birds that says Grey Box Forest to me, and their often approachable nature makes for great portraits.
Jacky Winter and I could do this all day
One of our sharp-eyed group found these tiny Greenhoods by the side of the track—not much more than a few centimetres high.
Fashionista Eurasian Coot is dressed to impress.
A very handsome Maned Duck showing of his impressive mane, and his lovely vermiticulation on his body.
Eastern Rosellas were in abundance, this was one of a flock of twelve or more that were working through the forest.
And just as we were leaving, another pair of Jacky Winters stopped by for a chat.