Little Visits: Pinkerton and Eynesbury

Doing bird counts as part of citizen science has been a feature of the Werribee Wagtails group for many years.
No longer formally affiliated the members still, however, get together for a monthly outing and also for bird counts every quarter at two locations.

Pinkerton and Mulla Mulla Grasslands (aka Bush’s Paddock) and Eynesbury Grey Box forest were the sites for our recent count.

It is interesting to go back over an area over the seasons and see the changes in habitat as well as the variety of bird life.
The early winter walk is always interesting at Mulla Mulla Grasslands as the Flame Robins return there each year. Sometimes the numbers are quite small, this season they are certainly looking very healthy and in good numbers.
They feed in the open paddocks of the farmland adjacent to the forest area and use the forest fenceline as a secure base to rest.

In the afternoon, we also count at Eynesbury Grey Box. This trip we found 2 pairs of Jacky Winter. Jacky is quite the citizen of Grey Box, both male and female are midtone greys and subtle brown variations. They can also be quite accomodating, and while everyone else moved along the track I sat for a few minutes with one that was feeding and in the end it came in quite close. I might have stayed all afternoon, but duty pressed us on.

And just as well as we also spotted the jewel in the crown of Eynesbury Grey Box. The Diamond Firetail.
The Diamond Firetail is also the signature bird for the area, so always good to locate them.

Time for some shots from the day. The gallery is best viewed by double clicking on an image to go to the larger size.
