Moments: Enterprising Grebe

A headsup for anyone making the trek out to Eynesbury Grey Box forest at the Golf Club.

In the main lake an enterprising pair of Australasian Grebe have taken advantage of a downed sapling with its branches in the water, and have setup home among the twigs and leaves.

I only managed one shot of the eggs, and I suspect there are four.  Everytime the sitting bird leaves the nest, it pulls the loose green weed over the eggs for security.

Hopefully we’ll get a couple more visits to see how things progress.


A secure home with a view
They take turns in sitting
Hard at work keeping the nest it top working order
Hard to get a clear shot among the branches.
Making sure the eggs are well concealed before taking a dip
They seem to be quite large eggs for such a little bird



7 thoughts on “Moments: Enterprising Grebe

  1. Nice to see they are “enterprising” like that. Lovely shots of them as well. I watched a couple of them late last year and all the chicks survived. Hope these do as well.


    1. Hi Ashley, its a bit far for us to travel regularly, but we plan to follow up if we can.
      We also another single bird on a pond in a public gardens, I am sure its waiting for its mate to turn up so they can get busy too.

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