Postcards: Swaning About (as you do)

My WordPress friend, Ashley, over at Aussiebirder has written a post on “Mindfulness” while bird watching. Resonates quite well I thought with my meanderings on having a love for the bird and the craft.Sometimes we are in such a hurry, or obsessed, to find the next bird, that we overlook the around.

EE, Mr An Onymous and I had gone down to the Jawbone Conservation Reserve to look for, among other things, Great Crested Grebe. And as the day progressed we found both the birds that are down there. Jawbone also has quite a resident collection of Black Swans. One of the main reasons—not being a Swan, how would I know— seems to be that the arm of the sheltered Jawbone pond(s) offers a quiet resting place, perhaps out of the wind.

So while we looked for the best places to photograph said Grebe, the Swans kept us amused by their fluting calls, their preening antics and their airborne mastery and of course their barefoot waterskiing championships.

When I opened up the files in Lightroom (hah!, had to get the plug in, that’s plug in, not plugin), I was just a wee bit excited to find how many interesting moments of these birds that I’d managed during the morning and I wasn’t even trying.  I feel a photobook coming on.

Here are some to set the scene and get you into the ‘moment’.


Heading in from a great height
Synchronised style
Formation landing team
Neck outstretched for aerodynamics
Casually dipping the wing into the water
On touchdown
How easy is barefoot skiing
Splash down and time to fold the wings up
Trimming up for landing
Powering down the waterway
Feather Details
The shape that sings a melody.

5 thoughts on “Postcards: Swaning About (as you do)

  1. A beaut series of images, I always seem to come home with a lot of Swan shots from Jawbone. They are great to watch. I heard the Grebes were still there after you asked about them recently. Might have to go visit again.


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