Return of the Woodswallows

Every year a welcome event is the return of Woodswallows to nest in the Sugar Gums area in the Woodlands Historic Park.

Mostly we get Dusky and sometimes the White-browed.  The Duskies come in huge numbers and by the end of breeding season they can really fill the sky.

They are not only great masters of flight, but can glide superbly as well. They are quite gregarious and seem to play interesting games that have some unspoken rules, but with a little bit of cleverness it is sometimes possible to work out the moves.

We were down the sugar gums looking for our old friends the Eastern Yellow Robins, from last year.  But with little if any success.  Perhaps that was a call over there. Perhaps, but no.

The day before we’d seen no Woodswallows so weren’t taking much notice until almost out of no where a family arrived.  Up to 60 or more birds, calling, flying, sailing through the air, loudly perching on trees and shrubs and hunting.  We really wondered if it was a flock that had just arrived and like returning home, wanted to check up that every tree and branch was in good repair for their adventures.

Anyway here some pictures of these gorgeous birds.

Dusky Woodswallow
Dusky Woodswallow
Dusky Woodswallow with a snack
Dusky Woodswallow with a snack
Dusky Woodswallow Tail display
Dusky Woodswallow Tail display
New arrived and full of energy
New arrived and full of energy


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