Moments: Sharing a Little Love

We don’t get many Little Lorikeets down around The Office area. But there are several pairs that seem to come and go on a regular basis, and I suspect they might always be in the area, just too high up to notice.

With reports of Purple-crowned Lorikeets in the general area, we wondered if they might be at The Office, so took Dolly on a bit of a traverse to see what we could find. Despite EE’s best attempts, we couldn’t spot, let alone hear them.  We were getting ready for the trek back out, when the “rattley rolling, squeaky” call came from a tree behind. And there was a pair of Little Lorikeets engaged in some preening and pairbonding alopreening.

I think the photos tell the story.


9 thoughts on “Moments: Sharing a Little Love

    1. Hi AB, They seem to spend most of their time high among the top leaves, and while notable for their distinct call, they are always to high to photograph well. Lucked out here as they were interested in getting the sap from around the hole.

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    1. G’day Derek, they don’t have the rambunctious antics of the Rainbows. And because they are harder to find in the open, getting some time with them is both a joy and a delight, as their more gentle natures and affection is so noticable.


    1. Thank Eleanor, they are indeed heartwarming little creatures. Everything they do is seeminly simple and unhurried and with a touch of pair involvement. Seriously amusing birds to watch


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